
Website Maintenance

Subscription Starts from $400.00 for each 1 month

Current Plans: All Current plans include our Site Health checkup + Blog/News/Press updates and page edits to text, switching out images, and similar tasks. These plans include up to a set number of hours: 4, 8 or 12. You must select the hours you want for your plan and whether your site is Informational only(Info) or E-commerce/Catalog enabled(Ecom). For example: If you want maintenance for an e-commerce site for up to 4 hours of our time per month you would select “E-com Current 4”.

This fee is billed monthly.

For clients not interested in regular monthly maintenance we highly recommend doing a health check & performing technical updates every 3-6 months, which we can bill hourly for. This may typically take 1-2 hours maximum. Any issues requiring more time would be approved by you, in advance of that work.

Starting Hourly Fee: $125.