Monthly maintenance plans go from the 15th to the 15th of every month or run from the 1st through end of the calendar month. Start date will be whichever is closest to your order date. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions.
Website Maintenance
Subscription Starts from $400.00 for each 1 month
Current Plans: All Current plans include our Site Health checkup + Blog/News/Press updates and page edits to text, switching out images, and similar tasks. These plans include up to a set number of hours: 4, 8 or 12. You must select the hours you want for your plan and whether your site is Informational only(Info) or E-commerce/Catalog enabled(Ecom). For example: If you want maintenance for an e-commerce site for up to 4 hours of our time per month you would select “E-com Current 4”.
This fee is billed monthly.
For clients not interested in regular monthly maintenance we highly recommend doing a health check & performing technical updates every 3-6 months, which we can bill hourly for. This may typically take 1-2 hours maximum. Any issues requiring more time would be approved by you, in advance of that work.
Starting Hourly Fee: $125.